Friday, January 1, 2010

Male Engagement Rings What Are The "rules" To A Male Engagement Ring?

What are the "rules" to a male engagement ring? - male engagement rings

That is why I am committed to my new friend from high school. We were in a committed relationship for over 4 years and decided that we are in a good position in life, with the (not living with their parents, lack of debt, stable employment, etc.) Anyway, came in and saw the ring and decided over the weekend that it would be good for him to have a ring, too! I read somewhere that this line is a recent development in men, and of course I had no problem with him. We promised when we get our rings. It was magical, really. P

Anyway, he worked in a hospital, where he (tons of people, mostly women and Asians, if not everything, you know) say different things about her ring. I wear my ring finger on my left hand and carrying his left ring finger. But his colleagues find out is between the left and right interchangeable, among other things he may not have the sense that second.

I am very curious after all this and still find become. (I suck at research, I suppose) that anyone knows " rules "of an engagement ring for men, their hands really interchangeable? Is there anything else you can tell me?" I mean, I do not care much, I want to have a true story.: P

1 comment:

Miss_Au... said...

There is no standard, because it is rare for a guy using an engagement ring.

Engagement rings are always worn on the fingers of his left hand ring. You can not move his right hand, why do it? Nonsense.

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